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How to pay?

Here at WISC we want to try and make it easy for our members when it comes to becoming or renewing membership, buying merchandise or by entering an event with our payment methods. To do this we try and display these in yellow boxes on the specific page and at the end of any of our online forms. But to try and help we also have the information right here for you.

Methods of Payment
Electronically via BACS
Account Name: Widnes Ice Skating Club
Account number: 45693757  
Sort code: 60-13-20 

(Natwest Widnes Branch)   

Payment Reference is Skaters Name and what the payment is for.



If paying electronically. Please choose what you're paying for to help us keep account easier.

In Person  

Cheques are preferred, if possible.

Please hand directly to Ken Jennions  (Treasurer) in a sealed envelope with the skater's name on it and what the payment is for. Alternatively, please pass the envelope to Reception at the rink with the skater's name on it, what the payment is for and marked "For the attention of Ken Jennions"

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