WISC Charity Gala Entry forms are now open
The years 2020 and 2021 have been a really turbulent time for our Widnes Skaters and so with our next Charity Gala we wanted to celebrate our skaters returning to the ice, whilst raising money for a brilliant charity The North West Air Ambulance.
We are asking skaters to perform their favourite routine from any of the skating disciplines they partake and show teams to share their fab routines from previous seasons or one they are currently working on. It’s been hard for some returning to the ice, but remember it is about going out on to the ice to skate and having fun. We also encourage our grass route skaters on Skate UK or Skate Excellence to exhibit what they have been working on too since returning. Theres something everyone can do if they wish to take part.
Click here to be re directed to our Charity Gala page to Enter.
